As of today you can consult Istanbul Trails on your cellular phone via a tailor made interface (by BraveNewCode) for mobile devices. With the holiday season just around the corner and a growing amount of people possessing mobile phones capable of browsing the web, I thought the time had come to provide this extra service to my readers. Certainly since Türk Telekom is implementing more and more (against a fee) hotspots in Istanbul, enabling you to quickly recheck some info while onthego.
Mobile vs Classic

Post excerpts of a post on the mobile version of Istanbul Trails.
Istanbul Trails was of course already available on mobile devices in its original classic version. But the new mobile version has plenty of advantages for 3G visitors. The mobile version is stripped from complex java scripts, has no flash animation nor advertising, and pictures are reduced in size. This all improves the load speed, without compromising most of the websites features.
By default, the new mobile version will load when you browse to Istanbul Trails on your mobile device. But for those among you who still prefer the classic version, just scroll to the bottom and switch back.
Stripped Yet Powerful

Pictures are still visible inside the posts.
Navigation within the mobile version is plain, easy and quick. The homepage shows the title, publish date, amount of comments, categories and tags of the last 10 posts. Although I try to make the post titles as descriptive as possible, you can see an excerpt of the post by clicking on the arrow on the right of the title. To read the entire post, as usual click on the post title.
To find older posts you have two options, both located at the top right of the screen of your mobile device. You can either look in the menu or browse in the category overview.
Another feature that still exists is the possibility to read and post comments. So, for those among you with web enabled mobile devices, surf to Istanbul Trails, bookmark it and leave a comment about your findings of the mobile version.
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