Communication Essentials – Turkish Language for Tourists

by admin

in Basic Turkish for Tourists,City Trip

In this third post of the Turkish Language for Tourists series, I’ll provide you with a list of basic words you’ll need to establish some kind of communication. Before learning these words, make sure to master the Turkish pronunciation rules first.

Basic Turkish Words

yes evet
no hayır
hello merhaba
ok tamam
Mr bay
Mrs bayan
child çocuk
thank you teşekkür ederim, teşekkürler, sağol or mersi
please lütfen
goodbye hoşça kalın or bye bye
sorry / excuse me pardon / affedersiniz
good morning günaydın
good evening iyi akşamlar
good night iyi geceler
good iyi
bad kötü
big büyük
small küçük
average / medium orta
a lot / very / too çok
a little az
slow yavaş
quick hızlı / çabuk
hot sıcak
cold soğuk
entrance giriş
exit çıkış
push itiniz
pull çekiniz
open açık
closed kapalı
right sağ
left sol
straight on doğru
near yakın
far uzak
up yukarı
down aşağı
broken bozuk
and ve
or ya da / veya
but ama
here burada
there orada

Turkish Question Words

How? Nasıl?
Who? Kim?
What? Ne?
Where? Nerede?
When? Ne zaman?
Why? Niye? / Niçin? / Neden?
Where to? Nereye?
Which (one)? Hangi(si)?

In Case of Emergency

Help! İmdat!
Stop! Dur!
Fire! Yangın!
police polis
accident kaza
sick / ill hasta
dentist diş hekimi
doctor doktor
hospital hastane
pharmacy ezcane
medication ilaç
fever ateş
headache baş ağrısı
pain ağrım
diarrhea ishal
Call the police! Polis çağrın!
Call an ambulance! Ambulans çağrın!
Where is the nearest hospital? En yakın hastane nerede?

Money Matters

money para
paper money kağıt para
coins / small money bozuk para
bill hesap
receipt makbuz
free bedava
bank banka
foreign exchange office döviz bürosu
ATM bankamatik
cash money nakit
credit card kredi kartı
cheque çek
tax included KDV dahil
tax excluded KDV
deposit depozito

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